The essence of leadership is never in connection with the ability of the leaders to resolve the issues at stake, but their logics to think of how men suitable for the challenges can be made available into the action that can end up issues that live with them.

No change can be made when the leaders that had proved to failed unnumbered times are made to be the priority, to be followed, elected or depended on.

Great men will continue to be made the dwarfs and nonentities when the government is committed to the hands of the vilified and moronic ideologist.

Government or governance is beyond thinking of eating bread and butter, and having names being recorded in the books as a president or representatives, but making lives to attain completeness in the systematic application of discretion and initiatives.

We have whole lots of issues that were stated and enlisted as a result of our carefree attitude to knowing that, governance should not be made a place for anyone that is psychologically impaired and mentally indecent.

And we have continued to exercise our weakness in making more of the compound multiple confrontational dilapidation to be the course to forge ahead as a people.

Sometimes, when a generation had not tasted suffering and hardship, such generation looks out for all possible avenue to have a taste of it, and most at times, such taste become what is made to be pathway to the continuity of the upcoming without being conscious of it.

There is no crime to have tasted the bitterness of existence, but being planned to have it to be made to be generational curse is a big challenge.

Any man or group of the individuals that can not think out in their ugly experience is or are not made enough to the height of humanity in creature.

Most of us are often well deserved to have the epileptic experience of life, and yet, we are too weakened to know that, any pathway that had failed more than 2 generations is a higher catastrophy to future.

Thinking in a closed mindedness to attain future is a replica of planning for outright destructive mechanism to make today and years ahead unpalatable to humanity.

Knowledge is quite very desirous and pertinent to move from a point to another as a people, but that aspect is what we often cover up because of our ego and lack of insight to knowing that, information matters to life.

We intentionally kill, destroy and stampede the magnificent minded amidst us because of their perspective towards where ordinarily we should be.

Sincerely, if the knowledge of the leaders at hand is widened enough to set us free, they would not have made our deplorable state to attain this state in their callouses.

We may need not to plan to fail ourselves anymore as usual, but our logics and dealings with the situations really matter not to be a mere dreamer.

Any best hand in our society are often relegated in the inferiority of our deep novicity to knowing what are very important to our coexistence till such men are made to roam around the street, doing various odd jobs and if privileged, move out of the country to where he will be made a king, and then, such a person who had been abandoned, dejected, rejected and who had lost confidence in our society will be our target to come and work for our weakness.

Reality is quite distaste and bitter, that is the reason why I often have issues with those who do not have deep thought, and that can not castigate my personal person in term of values and records; records can relate on that……..!

The greatness of a great nation is in the great men that are made to have such terrain to apply their greatness.

And what does greatness means at the course of multiplicity of a nation? It is the ideology that is branded to ensure that, what men have can be best explored to generate opportunities that can make men to be affixed with the best opportunities that are suitable for their innate values to be optimally utilized to begin to function in the frequency of being channel of additional opportunity that can lead to surplus avenues to tackle the challenges of any nation under consideration.

Most of men that are not finding a place to operate In an official manner to make pointers to the leaders on the direction to the way out as a nation are caused to be handicapped because they are too heavy to be understood by the environment and the leaders in the position of authority.

Before a man can manage values, he must know what are the importance of such values to the creation of such society.

When blindness supercedes wider ideology to grow a nation and to arrange the people of valuable traits in their phylum of operations, those who are meant to be the major hands to development are turned to the major constraints to the baseless views of the opulence.

I attended to an issue no quite a long time period on the case of an advertisement that was made ” in need of a school certificated employee, not a lazy PHD holder”

The point is that, you might never expect someone that is vast in knowledge to go so low to do some certain economic function, if they are not directly in connection to his or her benefit, or being in partnership with the people.

PHD is very hard earn certificate that needs stupendous knowledge to realize what value it should be explored on. Not only that, anyone that is wide and really understand what values means will never think of bending for nonsense or what can cause him to be defamed or devalued.

Having a PHD holder or a man that knows his worth on the bicycle selling ice cream does not reduce him if it is his person business, because that point is his stability point to plan again and again after several failures as regards our porous and unproductive society.

It is better to lowered in pain and hardship in term of what a man does, than being ridicule and devalued as a result of timidity and the urge for material acquisition.

We live where values and indigenous trait are ridicule, while those traits that are unknown to our innate capacity are often made our priority.

The higher you are in Nigeria, the lower you will operate, because, the leadership is at the disgusting height, where dexterous minded are made to be invalid to resolve issues.

It is very glared and vivid that we have whole lots of multiplicity of issues, and yet, those who should be the strategy to proffering solution are often made to be not functional, while the ones who can only continue at the impulse of monotonic functionality are made to be kings, whereas, we pray for changes……. May we be wise!

One after the other, the valuable men will sneak out of our country when we are harsh on them, and in gradual order, our tomorrow becomes invisible and unaligned with our mind set.

Where we are is as a result of who we have decided to lead our destiny and the posterity of our nation in the years past till date, and we have no escape route if we can not be audacious to make changes.

Being hypothetical and creative can not be secluded in the process of making greatness out of a nation. And that greatness is not in any other dimension than to set minds that are creative on the platform to transform our society to a place of industry and diversified uniqueness that can attract attention from the every other parts of the world, and that persuade the world to be secured to be in one accord with our separated unique entity.

The onus however is rested on the nature of the leaders at hand, and that will be chosen comes 2023.

A place of authority is not a place of relaxation or winning and dinning, and our option for a qualitative options to the true nature of the world we envisage must be our collective choices and decision to find our world in parallel with our nobility and such structure that are needed for fortress and advancement in all aspects of our proposition to have a solid foundation for our today, and most especially, the lives of the younger generation.

We will strive, prosper and bear fruits which will create a chain of prosperity which hopefully will never break


The Servant Leader

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